Information - Daily

[ Event ] cobaco写真館 vol.4










atlier cobaco









shinpei kato


cobaco うつくしい日々の予感。
cobaco うつくしい日々の予感。
photo by shinpei kato
photo by shinpei kato
photo by shinpei kato
photo by shinpei kato
photo by shinpei kato
photo by shinpei kato
photo by shinpei kato
photo by shinpei kato

all photo by shinpei kato

▼shinpei kato official website

[ 開催概要 ]



[ 場所 ]
atelier cobaco

各線三宮駅より徒歩10分 / 各線新神戸駅より徒歩8分

[ 料金 ]


[ お渡し方法 ]



[ その他注意事項 ]




[ Note ] 「人の品性」について







[ Note ] 窓辺に猫





[ Note ] クワイエットラグジュアリー


近鉄奈良駅から奈良公園の方へと10分ほど歩を進めると、春日大社の本殿へと続く参道のはじまりである一之鳥居が姿を現す。本殿までおよそ1.3kmの道のり。進んでいくほどに参拝客の姿もまばらになり、通り抜ける風は冷ややかになり、静けさが増していく。それだけでも十分に霊性を感じる場なのですが、本殿を一周ぐるっと囲う回廊の東外に位置する「御蓋山浮雲峰遙拝所 (みかさやまうきぐものみねようはいじょ)」で思わず息を呑みます。




[ Note ] 「つなぎ合わせる」を担ってきた道具




[ Event ] Oneday Nail Salon in cobaco pop-up gallery(満枠)


6月15日(土)、16日(日)の2日間、東京中目黒で開催予定のポップアップイベント「cobaco pop-up gallery in Tokyo」。新作コレクション「Staple」の登場を記念して、イベント初日にプロのネイリストをお招きしたコラボレーション企画「Oneday Nail Salon」を行います。

この度お招きした東京表参道にあるネイルサロン「virth +LIM」在籍のネイリスト山口真智子さんとは、私たちが東京近郊に住んでいた頃からのお付き合い。神戸に拠点を移してからも東京を訪れた際にネイルを施していただくなどして交流が続いてきました。




[ 開催概要 ]
[ Event ] Oneday Nail Salon|cobaco
[ Event ] Oneday Nail Salon|cobaco

[ 開催日時 ]

[1] 11:00〜13:00
[2] 13:00〜15:00
[3] 15:00〜17:00(※)
※[3]のみ、ネイルオフから承ります。ハードジェルネイルオフが必要な場合は、+30分ほどお時間をいただきます。( [1]、[2]の回に関しては、ネイルオフをしていただいた状態でご参加ください。)


[ 場所 ]
river side Gallery
→[ Google Map ]

[ 料金 ]

[ 参加者特典 ]
参加いただいた方には、ささやかなプレゼントをご用意。O・PIのネイルオイル「Nail & Cuticle Oil To Go」(2,200円相当)を施術終了時にお渡しいたします。

[ その他注意事項 ]
・価格はイベント当日のみの限定価格です。 ネイルサロン「virth +LIM」での施術料金とは異なります。あらかじめご了承ください。

[ Event ] cobaco pop-up gallery in Tokyo開催のお知らせ

[ Event ] cobaco pop-up gallery in Tokyo



イベント初日には、東京表参道にあるネイルサロン「virth +LIM」在籍のネイリスト山口真智子さんをお迎えし、イベント「Oneday Nail Salon」を企画(事前予約制)。天然石にも造詣の深い山口さんに、新作コレクション「Staple」で扱う天然石からインスピレーションを得たオリジナルネイルを施していただきます。

▼[ Event ] Oneday Nail Salon(満枠)



[ 日時 ]

[ 場所 ]
river side Gallery


→[ Google Map ]






※「cobaco BRIDAL」、「cobaco for baby」の商品は、これまで同様のパッケージでのお届けとなります。




[ Note ] 春になると思い出す言葉

[ Note ] 春になると思い出す言葉|cobaco




[ Note ] The small yet large world of 1mm

[ Note ] The 1mm World, Small Yet Large

In a world like jewelry, the unit "1mm" is never small. Just a difference of 1mm can make something look delicate, feel elegant, or conversely, give a rough impression. It's fascinating how much the impression can change. By the way, many of cobaco's rings, including the "Gold Ring_plain(narrow)", are approximately 1mm in width. When the ring width reaches 2mm, it falls into the category of wedding rings in our brand.

As I mentioned earlier, we are currently preparing for a package renewal scheduled for this spring. While communicating with the designer we commissioned for the design, a discussion arose about whether "12mm" or "13mm" would be better for a certain part of the package. Here again is the "1mm difference." One feels sleek and tidy, while the other has a good balance and stability, even giving a sense of strength. We ultimately settled on "12mm."

As if delving into the folds of sensation, we focus on the small differences and observe them closely. Then, a world far richer than we imagined begins to unfold. If we hadn't immersed ourselves in this world, we might never have realized its joy. (Well, there are times when I feel like giving up...)

Jewelry Storage Kit Gift Campaign (Ended)

ジュエリー収納キット|Inner Box|cobaco

The "Jewelry Storage Kit (Inner Box)" is an item that becomes a compact jewelry case just by fitting it into our original box. Due to a package renewal scheduled for this spring, the size of the box will change, so we plan to temporarily end sales around the end of March.

We would like you to use it together with the current package, so we have decided to offer a "Jewelry Storage Kit" for free to those who place an order for jewelry during the period (some exclusions apply). We hope you can use it for storing and organizing your jewelry.

[ 対象期間 ]

[ 対象者 ]
Those who ordered our jewelry during the above period
*Customers who order items from cobaco BRIDAL or cobaco for baby will have a different package and are therefore excluded.
*Customers who only order items other than jewelry are not eligible.

[ プレゼント内容 ]
ジュエリー収納キット|Inner Box|cobaco
※We will deliver the package containing the jewelry with the storage kit included.

[ その他注意事項 ]
・Limit one per person.
- Even during the period, the campaign may end as soon as the stock runs out.


[ Note ] A heart that prays for peace and safety


いつもお世話になっているloji flowerさんでお迎えした正月飾りを今年もアトリエの玄関口に飾りました。Adding just one shimekazari can cleanse the heart, so to speak,It’s mysterious because it makes me feel pure.

The deity of abundant harvests, Toshigami-samaTo welcome the new year, we have created shimenawa made from woven rice straw,Purification of impurities, the meaning of Mizuhiki,Wakamatsu, urajiro, and hikagekazura, which are auspicious items wishing for longevity...When you unravel it carefully,There are many cultures that Japanese people have cherished within a single ornament.It is interesting to catch a glimpse of what is being awaited.

Despite only being displayed for about two weeks,Since it has been a custom that has remained until now at the beginning of the year,I want to迎えたい the new year peacefully and safely.I suppose the feeling of wishing for that has not changed since ancient times.This year, especially, has been filled with difficult events right from the start of the year.I am deeply aware of the importance of being safe and sound.


We express our deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the recent Noto Peninsula earthquake.At the same time, to all those affected by the disaster, as well as your families,We sincerely extend our condolences to all those affected.The safety of everyone in the disaster-affected areas,I pray for a swift recovery.

The business style will change from 2024.

atlier cobaco

Starting in January, I am thinking of changing our business style experimentally. Until now, there have been very few opportunities for you to visit the atelier except for the open days held once every one or two months, but we will now allow visits by appointment, mainly on weekends.I will do it

まずは、定休日を[ 水・Saturday and Sunday・祝 ]から[ 火・水・金・祝 ]に変更.マリッジリングのご相談を承る「Bridal appointment(アトリエ/オンライン)」、マリッジリング以外のジュエリーをご覧いただくための「Jewelry appointment」の枠を設け、週末(土・日)をアポイント制でアトリエへご来店いただけるようにする予定です。

Please make your appointment reservation using the reservation form on the page below.

The Atelier Open Day is scheduled to be held once a month as before. You can come without a reservation.

[ 定休日 ]
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Holidays
※Including online store operations 

[ Atelier Appointment Day ]
*Includes online consultation for marriage rings
*Excluding weekends with open days
○ご予約可能な日程は、We will provide information every month on our online store and social media.

[ Atelier Open Day ]
Basically scheduled to be held once a month.

[ Event ] Thank you for attending

The day before the popup event, the venue setup was finally coming to a close, and the Omotesando Keyaki Street I stopped by on my way home was wrapped in dazzling illuminations. People passing through the streets were carrying large shopping bags on their shoulders. The season to finally feel the Christmas spirit has arrived. 

In the midst of this, we held the exhibition "cobaco pop-up gallery in Tokyo" in Omotesando, Tokyo. Many customers, including those who came to see the Xmas Limited Collection, stopped by. Thank you very much to everyone who visited.

 I look forward to the day we can meet again somewhere next year.

cobaco pop-up gallery in Tokyo 

[ Note ] An attitude of being refined in both style and substance


Refined and elegant in both style and substance(ぶんしつひんぴん)

装いや立ち居振る舞い、The harmony between the external beauty of language and the substance of one's inner self.れているさま。


As part of the online store renewal, a newBrand Concept CopyI met through a proposal from the copywriter I requested.たのが、この言葉でした。I feel that you have captured what we are aiming for.It has completely become my favorite word.

Critic Takami Yoshimoto discusses the "current self" and the "desired self."The dialogue exchanged between us is the most valuable thing.と説きました。What should I do now to get closer to my ideal self?It is by repeatedly asking oneself that abundance is created.Changing your attire or altering your behavior,While trying various things,The appearance and the inside gradually come into balance.その問答の往来のなかで、People may attain a beautiful presence, don't you think?Refined and elegant in both character and styleIt is not important to "be," but rather,Refined and elegant in both style and substance「たろうとする」こと、つまり、I believe that the process to get there is what truly matters.

あたらしいブランドコンセプトである"うつくしい日々の予感。」の「予感」からは「Refined and elegant in both style and substanceたろうとする」I believe you will be able to sense the posture.Our jewelry is for the person who wears it "なりたい自分」I hope this will be a trigger to get closer to it,I will continue to work on jewelry making.

Winter makeup atelier


Once Halloween is over, the winter season is finally upon us. (That said, even though it's actually November, we still have summer-like days...) We have also rearranged our atelier in line with the start of the Xmas season.


いつもアトリエの植木でお世話になっているloji flowerさんにお願いをし、今年は大きなフライングリースを飾ることに。


In the event "cobaco's Photo Studio" held in September, we will wrap seasonal plants such as eucalyptus, blue ice, and Satsuma cedar around the branches of the ashibi tree that appeared.


It has been finished to be something powerful enough to fill the ceiling of the atelier. We look forward to welcoming everyone to the atelier, which will be dressed for winter, on the open days in November and December.


[ Event ] cobaco pop-up gallery in Tokyo Announcement

12/2-3 cobaco pop-up gallery in Tokyo開催|cobaco

We are planning to hold an exhibition in Tokyo for the first time in a while on December 2-3. This exhibition will be the only pop-up event this winter, featuring the Christmas limited collection 'Selectable Diamonds'. Four types of diamonds with different cuts have been crafted into jewelry with combination colors.

In addition, for two days, you can try almost all items, starting with the collection "Choose Your Birthstone." We are waiting for you at a small gallery in Omotesando.

*The products displayed at the event are all sample items for fitting. If you wish to place an order, please use the online store. (You can also place an order from a tablet device within the venue.)

cobaco pop-up gallery in Tokyo
開催日程: December 2nd (Saturday) and 3rd (Sunday), 2023
開催時間: 12/2 sat. 11:00-18:00   12/3 sun. 11:00-17:00
開催場所:gallery tentplant|5-46-29-105 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
※5 minutes walk from Omotesando Station B2 exit on Tokyo Metro Ginza Line/Chiyoda Line/Hanzomon Line 

If you would like the DM for this exhibition, please contact us through the inquiry form. Please add your request for DM.Please provide your "postal code, address, and name." We will send them out sequentially starting in November.

Notice of Online Store Renewal

Thank you very much for always using cobaco.
We have renewed and reopened our official online store.

In conjunction with the renewal, there is no change to the top page URL (, but the product detailsThe addresses other than the top page, such as columns, will be changed.If you have registered the URLs of pages other than the homepage in your "Favorites" or "Bookmarks",We apologize for the inconvenience, but please make the changes to your registration.
【Request to Existing Members】
Your registered member information has been transferred to the new site, but for security reasons, the password at the time of login cannot be transferred.
We have sent an email regarding the account transfer as of October 20th.We apologize for the inconvenience, but please check and reset your password.

【Coupon Giveaway in Progress】
To celebrate the renewal of our online store, we are offering a 2000 yen OFF coupon to those who complete the "Member Information Transfer" procedure by November 30th, as well as to new members who register. For more details, please refer to "[ Limited Time Offer ] Get a Coupon for New Member Registration」をご覧ください。

We will continue to strive to create a better shop in the future, so
We sincerely appreciate your continued support.

Care for the baby ring commemorative plate


The commemorative plate made of brass is delivered together with the baby ring.
A few months or years after delivery, we have received feedback from customers saying, "It has become a bit dull," and "Perhaps because everyone in the family has been touching the plate, fingerprints have started to appear."


Brass is a metal that develops a unique texture due to surface oxidation. Over time, it can acquire an antique feel, which adds to its "character," but it can also suffer from excessive rust and darkening due to factors like skin oils, moisture, and oxidation.

Regular maintenance is necessary to keep it in good condition until the day your child reaches adulthood. ベビーリング記念プレートのお手入れ|ブログ|cobaco

Approximately six months ago, I received a commemorative plate from a friend family who ordered a baby ring (Thank you, T-san, for your cooperation).
After delivery, it seems that everyone in the family touched it with their hands and then put it back in the case. As time has passed, the areas that were touched by hands have become quite dark. I am thinking of actually trying to see how clean it can get.


What you need is baking soda or vinegar. Additionally, a toothbrush, a container, and kitchen paper as needed. This time, I would like to try using both baking soda and vinegar to see the actual effects.

When you search on the internet, you often come across articles that say, "Use baking soda to clean brass." Let's start by trying baking soda.




Add a small amount of water and knead it a little with your fingers.


Place the kneaded baking soda on the plate and gently rub it with your fingers.


After polishing to a certain extent overall, it's now time for the toothbrush. An old one will do just fine.


We will polish around the grooves where the engraving is located. It should take about 1-2 minutes. There is no need to polish for too long. Once you are done polishing, please rinse with water and baking soda.


This is the plate after being polished with baking soda. How does it look? The overall dullness has been removed, and it has become shiny, but the areas where fingerprints left dark marks are still stained.

Now, let's try using vinegar.


Place the plate on the container and add vinegar until the plate is submerged.


In this state, please soak for a few minutes. (Depending on the level of dirt, please adjust the soaking time. Soaking for too long can cause corrosion due to acetic acid, which may lead to darkening again.)
By the way, this time I pulled it up in about a minute.


While rinsing with water and vinegar, focus on scrubbing the areas with remaining dark stains using a toothbrush to finish up.


This is complete. It has become shiny just like when it was delivered.


The left side is before polishing, and the right side is after polishing.

If the overall dullness is mild, baking soda can be used, but if there are stubborn dark stains caused by sebum, using vinegar to scrub can significantly remove the dirt.

This time, we introduced a care method using items you have at home, but there are also cloths for polishing brass. You can find them at 100 yen shops, so it might be convenient to have one on hand. We hope you can take care of your items in an easy way.

○Please use room temperature water for cleaning, as the adhesive used to secure the stones can become loose (hot water and lukewarm water are not allowed). Also, be careful not to soak it in water for too long.
○ Leaving it wet can cause rust or discoloration. Be sure to dry it thoroughly before storing it in the box.
○Our commemorative plates have a matte finish on the surface. Please be careful not to polish them too much, as it may remove the matte finish.
○From around September 2023, a special treatment has been applied to the surface for oxidation prevention. Please do not forcefully clean it, especially if there are no noticeable discolorations, as the treatment may peel off.

Original Ring Size Gauge



Most people are able to find their size using a commercially available ring size gauge. However, it is also true that some people have difficulty choosing a size even after measuring with the gauge. Out of 10 people who rent a size gauge, 1-2 people will contact us with concerns about their size.

I always try to convey as much information as possible based on what I have been told. However, it is also true that there are limitations since I have not actually seen it in front of me. I have been thinking about how to help you determine your size with confidence.


While it's difficult to find the perfect solution, we can only start with what we can do. That's why we created our original size gauge (see the photo above). There are two major differences compared to commercially available size gauges.


One is that it can be measured in increments of "0.5 sizes." At our store, you can order ring sizes in increments of "0.5 sizes," but commercially available size gauges can only measure in increments of "1 size." For example, if "size 9 is tight but size 10 is loose, then it is probably size 9.5," you had no choice but to order based on guesswork. First of all, we wanted to make it possible to measure accurately rather than guess. (By the way, the "h" on the size gauge in the photo stands for "half." The one marked "0h" corresponds to a size of "0.5.")


And another point is the "ring width." Many of our rings are slim, so when using a standard size gauge (photo on the right), the ring width appears to be about 3mm, which can make it difficult to imagine the actual wearing comfort. Of course, whether the ring width is thick or thin, if it is a "size 9," the inner diameter of any ring will be the same. However, there are strict differences in how the ring passes through the joint and the fit at the base of the finger between slim rings and thicker ones.


We would like you to try it in a state as close to the actual product as possible, so we have created a size gauge based on our "Gold Ring_plain (wide)" (ring width approximately 1.5mm) with a slim ring width (photo left).


The logo plate is attached, and it's complete.


We have several dozen sets available. However, during busy seasons, we may run out, so we may deliver a commercially available size gauge instead. Please understand this in advance. (If you really want to measure with the original size gauge, please let us know when placing your order.)

*For those with metal allergies, we will send a plastic size gauge (commercially available). Please indicate in the remarks section that you have an allergy. (The plastic version corresponds to "size 1" increments.)
※If you order a marriage ring or a ring with a wide band, we will rent out a commercially available size gauge.