Information - Note

People are attracted to those who have heat.

My grades in science subjects were terrible, but for some reason, I have always been interested in the second law of thermodynamics since my student days. Heat moves from hot objects to cold ones, and the reverse does not occur. Hot coffee cools down over time, and mixed milk does not return to its original state. Energy always flows from high to low. It is an extremely simple yet powerful physical law.

People gather around things with high energy. Without a heat source, there is no power generated. A person's enthusiasm and the power of the works created by it propagate to the surroundings. This law seems to apply not only to the world of physics but also to human activities. Perhaps that is why it has remained in the back of my mind all this time.

Artists, designers, craftsmen, musicians—those who create something from nothing invariably possess "heat." It may be skill, thought, or perhaps a pure passion of "liking." However, there is certainly a "high energy" present, and that temperature difference attracts people and becomes a driving force. People are drawn to those who "chase what they love, think, and continue to express." It is the same structure from which energy naturally flows out.

The brand cobaco does not necessarily have a worldview that conveys "heat," but we still want to always carry a quiet warmth as creators. And we hope that the items we design are not just decorations but serve as catalysts that draw out the energy of the person wearing them. That is our wish.

Wait without rushing.

After finishing the morning work in the atelier and having lunch, it's a moment before starting the afternoon tasks. Brewing a cup of coffee has become a daily routine.

First, pour water into the kettle and put it on the fire. While waiting for the water to boil, grind the beans in a coffee mill. Set a filter in the dripper and gently transfer the freshly ground beans. Once the water has boiled, pour it into the kettle and gently pour the water from the edge of the dripper towards the center, allowing the rich aroma to rise. After letting it steep for a bit, pour more water. Take your time, don't rush, and do it slowly. If you rush the brewing process, bitterness will inevitably remain. To avoid that, take your time and brew it carefully.

I want the products I ordered online to arrive the next day, I want to know the answers to my questions immediately, and I want to reach my destination as quickly as possible. We live in an era where everything has value in being "fast" and "quick." Even when it comes to coffee, I want to get it done in the shortest time possible. However, that won't lead to a delicious cup. Therefore, I intentionally resist the temptation of "quick and easy."

There is something that connects to jewelry design as well. If you rush to decide on a shape, there will be some awkwardness left behind. When an idea comes to mind, leave it as it is for a while, and then revisit it after some time. As you repeat this process, it gradually takes on a "form."

A long time ago, I asked my calligraphy teacher, "What is the secret to writing beautifully?" The answer I received was, "Take your time and write carefully." At that time, I thought it was a bit bland to just take time. Now, I feel like I finally understand the meaning of those words.

Take your time and wait.
I believe that by taking time, things become richer and deeper.

Silent Hydrangea

A modest planting space at the entrance of the atelier features a plant called Hydrangea paniculata, which belongs to the hydrangea family. As early summer approaches, it blooms with clusters of beautiful white petals adorned with pale green outlines. After flourishing throughout the summer, the flowers gradually turn brown and decay. By the onset of autumn, the dried flowers are pruned, and all the leaves fall off, leaving only the branches. It will spend most of the passing seasons in a lifeless state until the following summer.

On a freezing winter morning while watering, I suddenly think. This hydrangea, which now only has branches left, might actually be dead already, and even when next summer comes, it may not have any leaves or flowers.

The philosopher I admired often said, "Communication is always a free thing (i.e., one-way). Because it doesn't come back (i.e., it doesn't return), consideration, free consideration exists." As I water the plants while enduring the cold, I strangely find that this makes sense.

Even if I water it every day, or even if I skip watering it, the Hydrangea paniculata doesn't say anything. It just stands there as a branch. Still, I continue to water it almost every day (though the frequency drops a bit during winter). It maintains its silence without expressing gratitude or complaints, because the next summer, it will sprout leaves and bloom beautiful flowers again. It seems to say thank you for continuing to water this withered tree, as it becomes so fresh and vibrant.

I sometimes feel the same way about sales in the online store. Of course, we cannot see the faces of our customers, and most of the time, we are the ones reaching out via email. While there are many who do send us messages, we primarily reach out to customers who are silent (non-responsive), create products, and deliver them.

Strangely, the more silent our customers are, the more we can't help but think about them. Are they truly satisfied with their interactions with us and the products? Would they be happier if we did this? While imagining the customers actually wearing the products we delivered beyond the PC display, we continue to experiment and refine our approach.

From time to time, I run into customers who say, "I've been wearing this for many years without taking it off," and it makes me feel relieved.

[ Note ] I love making mistakes

A small sticker that came with the magazine I purchased the other day. The message "I love making mistakes" caught my eye, and it reminded me of a certain episode written in the essay collection by the musician Masakatsu Takagi that I read sometime ago.

During his trip to Ethiopia, he had an interaction with a guide where there was one thing he simply couldn't tolerate. That was the constant explanations about each thing he saw, such as "This is a building constructed in this year, and this event happened." As he listened to the guide's repeated explanations, he felt that he wanted to first experience the fresh sensations of a new world with his own heart and body, rather than relying on information given by others. In other words, he wanted to be allowed to "misunderstand."

I felt that the message "I love making mistakes" carries a similar sentiment (though this might also be a misunderstanding).. A littleThere may be seeds of new ideas that have not yet existed in the world hidden within mistakes and misunderstandings. A small bug might accidentally lead to a significant discovery. For now, let's set aside whether it is right or wrong and listen to "how I feel." We always aspire to be a brand that can honestly embrace and find joy in what we feel and what emerges from it.

A small sticker that says "I love making mistakes" has found its place in the corner of my laptop.

[ Note ] The blue sea peeking through the hospital room window


The other day, I received a call that my grandmother had collapsed, so I headed to the hospital where she was taken. From the window of the hospital room on the second floor of a small hospital by the sea, I can see the ocean. Even though it's already September, the sky is a vibrant blue, and the sea sparkles as if it's still the height of summer. The scenery, filled with such vitality, made me suddenly recall a poem by Kenji Miyazawa.


Say with your eyes

It won't do.
It won't stop, huh?
It's bubbling up vigorously.
I haven't slept since last night, and the bleeding continues.
There is a deep blue tranquility all around.
I feel like I'm about to die soon.
But what a nice breeze it is.
Since Seimei is approaching
Just like it rises and swells from such a blue sky
A beautiful breeze is coming.
The tender buds of the maple and flowers like fur
Like waves of autumn grass
The mat made of rush grass with burn marks is also blue.
I don't know if you are coming back from a medical conference or something.
Wearing a black frock coat
If I had been so serious and taken various measures...
Even if I die from this, I have no complaints.
Despite the bleeding
Such a carefree and painless feeling
Did the soul leave the body halfway?
Just for the sake of blood
It is terrible that I can't say that.
From your perspective, it must be quite a desolate scene.
What I can see is
The beautiful blue sky after all
There is only a thin, transparent wind.

(Original text: "Complete Works of Kenji Miyazawa Vol. 2" Chikuma Bunko, Chikuma Shobo)


My grandmother, who was hospitalized, fortunately did not suffer any serious issues, and her complexion looked good as she seemed to have recovered quite a bit. The test results were also favorable, and she will be able to be discharged soon. I might someday remember the view of the blue sea that I peeked at from her hospital room.

[ Note ] About "Human Character"


Recently, I have been thinking more about "human character." I want to be "elegant" not only in myself but also in the brand cobaco, and I strive to operate with that in mind every day.

When we talk about "nobility," it's not necessarily something grand like "nobility" or "overflowing dignity," but rather a nuance of "pleasant demeanor." In the interactions between people, it's about "considering the other person." I feel that there is a sense of nobility in the demeanor that reflects this as a premise of communication.

Easier said than done. When I get busy, I tend to focus the arrow of my heart on myself, and even in situations where I should communicate with someone, I often overlook the other person's feelings and end up behaving carelessly.

The other day, I came across a refreshing essay that serves as a model of "pleasant demeanor." It is a study abroad memoir titled "Red and Blue Gown" by Princess Akiko. It seems to have become a topic of conversation again recently, coinciding with its paperback release in April.

The various episodes depicted during my study abroad at Oxford University always center around people (the other party). Each episode certainly relates to my own experiences, but there is always a close "other" in the line of sight, such as friends, professors, dorm mates, and family. The desire for the reader to truly feel their characters is subtly evident throughout. It feels like every episode is based on the premise of "considering others." I find myself likely to reread it whenever I feel busy and my perspective narrows.

[ Note ] Cat by the window

We have four cats living in our home.

The eldest daughter is a beautiful cat full of grace, but she has a fierce side that comes out with just a little annoyance, quickly throwing punches. The second daughter is a spoiled one who tries to climb onto her owner's lap, side, or belly whenever there's a chance, 24/7. The third daughter, who firmly believes that "the center of the idol group is my position," radiates (or rather imposes) cuteness with a strong sense of self-esteem. The youngest son, while being smart enough to listen to his owner's words, also has a timid side that panics at the slightest change.

Living with them makes me realize that everyone is naturally unique without even trying to be individualistic. Moreover, the longer we live together and the closer we get, the more new sides they show us. Just the other day, the youngest son showcased a new sleeping pose (an acrobatic pose reminiscent of the Awa Odori dance).

Speaking of which, I haven't seen the eldest daughter at her favorite windowsill much lately. Although she has tried to jump to that slightly elevated windowsill a few times, she seems to have given up out of laziness. She might be losing confidence in her leg strength now that she is over 10 years old. I am considering installing a step on the wall by the windowsill soon, so that the usual scene of her sitting there can return.

[ Note ] Quiet Luxury


Walking about 10 minutes from Kintetsu Nara Station towards Nara Park, the first torii gate, which marks the beginning of the approach to the main hall of Kasuga Taisha, comes into view. The path to the main hall is approximately 1.3 km. As you proceed, the number of worshippers thins out, the wind becomes cooler, and the silence deepens. This alone is enough to feel the spirituality of the place, but at the "Mikasayama Ukigumo-no-mine Yohaijo" located on the eastern outer side of the corridor that surrounds the main hall, you will find yourself gasping in awe.

There was a tense tranquility there that cannot be explained simply by being outside the corridor. The voices of worshippers who were just around a moment ago, and even their presence, suddenly disappear, leaving behind a mysterious place where only a "silence" akin to noise-canceling in the midst of city hustle and bustle remains.

Upon hearing, it is said that this space is dedicated to offering prayers towards "Mikasayama," the sacred mountain behind Kasuga Taisha, which has been a deep object of faith for about 1300 years. It is the closest place to Mikasayama, where general worshippers are not allowed to enter as it is a "forbidden area."

Perhaps because we are exposed to various noises daily, the serene time/space encountered in this sacred place felt like a very luxurious experience.

[ Note ] Tools that have been responsible for "connecting"

When visiting the workshop in Kofu, you can see a variety of metalworking tools lined up on the craftsmen's workbenches. While interacting with the craftsmen, it has become one of my pleasures to gaze at these tools. Hammers with handles carved to fit the hands of the craftsmen who use them, files that are used differently depending on their purpose and number... These tools, shaped by the craftsmen in pursuit of functionality, seem to possess a certain kind of beauty.


Coincidentally, in our new collection "Staple", we focused on one of the tools used by carpenters, the "Kasugai". It is a U-shaped nail driven in to join two pieces of wood together. This technique of fixing wood, brought from the Korean Peninsula, has been used domestically since the Kofun period. A tool that has been responsible for "joining together" since ancient times. This collection began by replacing the materials being joined from wood to natural stone and metal. The beauty of the tools used by craftsmen and our respect for their craftsmanship may have led us to encounter the "Kasugai".

[ Note ] Words that come to mind when spring arrives

[ Note ] 春になると思い出す言葉|cobaco

Heading to the bakery that I learned about from a customer during the recent atelier open day.道すがら、When I looked around, I noticed that cherry blossoms were beginning to bloom here and there.Further along, the scent of daphne wafts past my nose.Perhaps because it has been cold lately, I was still feeling very much in a winter mood, butSpring had come to my feet without me even realizing it.This time of year, I always remember a passage from an essay written by Michio Hoshino during his stay in Fairbanks, Alaska.(For some reason, not in summer, but in spring)

The sensation of the wind caressing my cheeks is sweet,You can tell that the seasons are about to change. (Omitted)Human feelings are quite funny, aren't they?On one hand, I am inevitably influenced by trivial daily matters,The sensation of the wind and the hint of early summer can enrich us so much.(Michiho Hoshino "The Traveling Tree" Bungeishunjū, 1999)

Lately, I've been swayed by "trivial everyday matters,"I was unable to even notice the signs of the new season.The scent of daphne does not come no matter how much I scroll on my smartphone,You won't be able to encounter the cherry blossoms blooming in that place.Don't just settle for spring that comes flowing from social media,I want to feel the spring that touches me directly,This year, I plan to really savor it.

[ Note ] The small yet large world of 1mm

[ Note ] The 1mm World, Small Yet Large

In a world like jewelry, the unit "1mm" is never small. Just a difference of 1mm can make something look delicate, feel elegant, or conversely, give a rough impression. It's fascinating how much the impression can change. By the way, many of cobaco's rings, including the "Gold Ring_plain(narrow)", are approximately 1mm in width. When the ring width reaches 2mm, it falls into the category of wedding rings in our brand.

As I mentioned earlier, we are currently preparing for a package renewal scheduled for this spring. While communicating with the designer we commissioned for the design, a discussion arose about whether "12mm" or "13mm" would be better for a certain part of the package. Here again is the "1mm difference." One feels sleek and tidy, while the other has a good balance and stability, even giving a sense of strength. We ultimately settled on "12mm."

As if delving into the folds of sensation, we focus on the small differences and observe them closely. Then, a world far richer than we imagined begins to unfold. If we hadn't immersed ourselves in this world, we might never have realized its joy. (Well, there are times when I feel like giving up...)

[ Note ] A heart that prays for peace and safety


いつもお世話になっているloji flowerさんでお迎えした正月飾りを今年もアトリエの玄関口に飾りました。Adding just one shimekazari can cleanse the heart, so to speak,It’s mysterious because it makes me feel pure.

The deity of abundant harvests, Toshigami-samaTo welcome the new year, we have created shimenawa made from woven rice straw,Purification of impurities, the meaning of Mizuhiki,Wakamatsu, urajiro, and hikagekazura, which are auspicious items wishing for longevity...When you unravel it carefully,There are many cultures that Japanese people have cherished within a single ornament.It is interesting to catch a glimpse of what is being awaited.

Despite only being displayed for about two weeks,Since it has been a custom that has remained until now at the beginning of the year,I want to迎えたい the new year peacefully and safely.I suppose the feeling of wishing for that has not changed since ancient times.This year, especially, has been filled with difficult events right from the start of the year.I am deeply aware of the importance of being safe and sound.


We express our deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the recent Noto Peninsula earthquake.At the same time, to all those affected by the disaster, as well as your families,We sincerely extend our condolences to all those affected.The safety of everyone in the disaster-affected areas,I pray for a swift recovery.

[ Note ] An attitude of being refined in both style and substance


Refined and elegant in both style and substance(ぶんしつひんぴん)

装いや立ち居振る舞い、The harmony between the external beauty of language and the substance of one's inner self.れているさま。


As part of the online store renewal, a newBrand Concept CopyI met through a proposal from the copywriter I requested.たのが、この言葉でした。I feel that you have captured what we are aiming for.It has completely become my favorite word.

Critic Takami Yoshimoto discusses the "current self" and the "desired self."The dialogue exchanged between us is the most valuable thing.と説きました。What should I do now to get closer to my ideal self?It is by repeatedly asking oneself that abundance is created.Changing your attire or altering your behavior,While trying various things,The appearance and the inside gradually come into balance.その問答の往来のなかで、People may attain a beautiful presence, don't you think?Refined and elegant in both character and styleIt is not important to "be," but rather,Refined and elegant in both style and substance「たろうとする」こと、つまり、I believe that the process to get there is what truly matters.

あたらしいブランドコンセプトである"うつくしい日々の予感。」の「予感」からは「Refined and elegant in both style and substanceたろうとする」I believe you will be able to sense the posture.Our jewelry is for the person who wears it "なりたい自分」I hope this will be a trigger to get closer to it,I will continue to work on jewelry making.