My grades in science subjects were terrible, but for some reason, I have always been interested in the second law of thermodynamics since my student days. Heat moves from hot objects to cold ones, and the reverse does not occur. Hot coffee cools down over time, and mixed milk does not return to its original state. Energy always flows from high to low. It is an extremely simple yet powerful physical law.
People gather around things with high energy. Without a heat source, there is no power generated. A person's enthusiasm and the power of the works created by it propagate to the surroundings. This law seems to apply not only to the world of physics but also to human activities. Perhaps that is why it has remained in the back of my mind all this time.
Artists, designers, craftsmen, musicians—those who create something from nothing invariably possess "heat." It may be skill, thought, or perhaps a pure passion of "liking." However, there is certainly a "high energy" present, and that temperature difference attracts people and becomes a driving force. People are drawn to those who "chase what they love, think, and continue to express." It is the same structure from which energy naturally flows out.
The brand cobaco does not necessarily have a worldview that conveys "heat," but we still want to always carry a quiet warmth as creators. And we hope that the items we design are not just decorations but serve as catalysts that draw out the energy of the person wearing them. That is our wish.