We have four cats living in our home.
The eldest daughter is a beautiful cat full of grace, but she has a fierce side that comes out with just a little annoyance, quickly throwing punches. The second daughter is a spoiled one who tries to climb onto her owner's lap, side, or belly whenever there's a chance, 24/7. The third daughter, who firmly believes that "the center of the idol group is my position," radiates (or rather imposes) cuteness with a strong sense of self-esteem. The youngest son, while being smart enough to listen to his owner's words, also has a timid side that panics at the slightest change.
Living with them makes me realize that everyone is naturally unique without even trying to be individualistic. Moreover, the longer we live together and the closer we get, the more new sides they show us. Just the other day, the youngest son showcased a new sleeping pose (an acrobatic pose reminiscent of the Awa Odori dance).
Speaking of which, I haven't seen the eldest daughter at her favorite windowsill much lately. Although she has tried to jump to that slightly elevated windowsill a few times, she seems to have given up out of laziness. She might be losing confidence in her leg strength now that she is over 10 years old. I am considering installing a step on the wall by the windowsill soon, so that the usual scene of her sitting there can return.