デザインはもちろん、石数や素材、Various combinations can be made, from the type of gold to the engraving.Collection 'Jewelry with a choice of birthstones'. We will feature coordination samples of birthstone rings, focusing on the two newly added designs.
SAMPLE01: Stacking with a wedding ring

Item: Birthstone Ring_asymmetry / Marriage Ring_plain(wide)
SAMPLE02: As a pinky ring

Item: Birthstone Ring_asymmetry

Item: Birthstone Ring_signet(1石)
SAMPLE03: Stacking with a simple ring

Item: Birthstone Ring_signet(3石) / Gold Ring_puff(wide) / Gold Ring_plain(narrow)

Item: Birthstone Ring_matte / Gold Ring_tsuchime(wide) / Gold Ring_plain(narrow)

Item: Birthstone Ring_asymmetry / Gold Ring_plain(narrow) / Gold Ring_plain(wide)
SAMPLE04: Champagne Gold

Item: Birthstone Ring_asymmetry

Item: Birthstone Ring_signet(4石)

Wearing the gemstone of the month you were born in will bring you good luck.
It is said that if you trace its origins, you will arrive at the Old Testament.
After spending a long time, accompanying various feelings,
The culture of "birthstones" that has been loved for a long time.
In the collection 'Jewelry with a choice of birthstones', not only the design,
You can combine various elements, including the number of stones, types of metal, and engraving.
May you find your unique combination.